Water Softening: What It Is And Why You Need It

29 November 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you've ever felt like your skin, hair, dishes, or even laundry aren't quite as clean as they could be, water softening might be the answer you're looking for. Water softening is a process that removes certain minerals from your water supply that can cause hard water. Hard water is caused by high concentrations of calcium and magnesium and can lead to a buildup of minerals in your pipes and appliances, making them less efficient. Here's a closer look at why investing in a whole-house water softener system is important if you have hard water.

What Causes Hard Water?

Hard water is caused by high levels of calcium and magnesium found in the ground. These minerals are naturally present in groundwater sources such as wells, rivers, and underground aquifers. When the water passes through the soil, rocks, and other deposits on its way to your tap, it picks up mineral deposits along the way. While these minerals are harmless when ingested, they can cause a variety of problems when used for everyday activities such as showering, watering the lawn, or doing laundry.

What Are the Effects of Hard Water?

Hard water can have several negative effects on your home, including:

  • Taste. While not everyone is bothered by drinking hard water, some people dislike the taste of it.
  • Residue. Hard water can leave behind a residue on dishes and clothing that makes them feel gritty or stiff after washing them.
  • Stains. Hard water can leave a tell-tale orange stain on the inside of your washing machine, dishwasher, and even on the exterior of your home if you have a sprinkler system.
  • Mineral buildup. Hard water can damage plumbing fixtures and appliances over time due to mineral buildup inside their pipes or hoses, reducing their efficiency significantly over time and leading to a premature end to their usefulness.

How Does Water Softening Solve Hard Water Problems?

Water softening works by removing these troublesome minerals before they reach your tap using an ion exchange system that swaps out the hard minerals with softer ones, such as sodium chloride, more commonly referred to as salt. This swapping process also helps to protect plumbing fixtures from mineral buildup while helping to reduce energy costs associated with running appliances since they don't have to work as hard when there's no mineral buildup in their pipes or hoses.

Should You Buy a Water Softening System for Your Home?

Depending on where you live, you may be able to rent a water-softening system for your home. In fact, water-softening equipment suppliers often rent the equipment needed to homeowners, so the cost of entry is often quite low.

Water softening is an important part of maintaining a healthy home environment for families dealing with hard water issues. If you have hard water, talk to a water-softening equipment supplier today.
